March Nature News


  • Project FeederWatch continues,
  • White Pelicans can be seen in large flocks on rivers, lakes and ponds as they begin their migration northward.
  • Chipping Sparrows return and Swamp Sparrows start their migration in mid- to late-March.
  • Like the European Starling, House Sparrows were introduced to the US from Europe and have spread across the country.
  • Bald Eagles, Screech Owls are sitting on their eggs.
  • Purple Martins return by the middle of the month; be sure to have your houses ready.
  • Woodcocks are doing courtship flights.
  • Cardinals and robins begin nesting.
  • Bluebirds begin nesting by the end of the month.
  • Begin monitoring houses middle of the month.
  • Phoebes return this month.
  • Goldfinches begin to molt into their brilliant yellow plumage.